Thursday, May 17, 2012

This end - up?

A bit lumpy? A bit twisty? I finally bound off the edging of my Harmonia's Rings Cowl and it still looked a bit - wonky.

Until I found a willing model - Oldest Daughter. 

Hello,  Mr. Pinecone!

It suddenly looked much, much better! 

I'd really just winged the beading but I still like it. I think there must be a YouTube video of making a beaded edging but I did it late one night and I didn't have access to anything but my notes and imagination.

Next up - The By Request Socks!

(And a graduation weekend: Oldest Daughter is moving out of dorms today,  singing at a Baccalaureate service on Saturday morning and graduating on Saturday afternoon. And best of all - she starts her new job in June! And moves into an apartment in July. The Bird has left the Nest!)