Thursday, September 08, 2011

A flurry of activity . . .

turns into a swamp of very little.

Youngest Child may have found his career!

This Girl found a new friend!

I didn't make any of these but I plan on following their owners home.

And these fine items? Not mine either. I was in Maryland when entries were dropped off so, no State Fair entries for me.

These were from my fellow Textile Center enthusiasts.

Wee Folk!

This is all that This Girl left behind when she moved out. So I washed them and put them in her drawer.

Then I bought this to start the next pair.

This Holden Shawlette is still crawling about.

I am still waiting for my favorite season, Autumn, to really get started. 
The best part? No more weeding!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, finder's keeper's on the sock. They should go in YOUR drawer!!! Love the shawl yarn.