Saturday, January 13, 2007

One more reason why I love that guy . . .

I've been after my husband to clean out his closet for some time. He is a very stylish fellow and likes to pick out his own clothes. Unfortunately, he doesn't like to get rid of his clothes! I've given up trying to get things into his dresser drawers because there just isn't any room. So, this week when he said, "Let's get this cleaned out," I thought we would be sorting this for days. In one afternoon, he turned this . . .

into this.

As always, he both surprised and delighted me. And gave me a really easy Saturday Seven. 21 items to be sure! Happy Saturday, dear!


Guinifer said...

So, are you going to let that count for three weeks?

Wendy said...

Ya wanna come over to my house????


Ellen said...

Nope, I have been already eyeing my 17-yr olds castoffs for this week. Sometimes, begging isn't even necessary!