Friday, March 05, 2010

Another week flying by

Between the crash of the end of the Ravelry Olympics and the pit of the cold I have now, things can only look better after this weekend.

My wrists were sore after finishing up all that knitting! Here are couple of better photos . . .

Mr. Daisy's Classic Socks.

Another glimpse of the toes - enormous, aren't they?

Mr. Daisy looking a bit skeptical . . .

The grey "Jet" Bag with its flower and beads  and, finally, a post-Ravelry Olympic project

another Two-Skein Scarf. This one is in blues and greys for Middle Daughter who joined a sorority with blue and and grey colors. I am  going to trim the fringe later today.

Obviously, all this knitting left no time for combing my hair! 
I'll be spending more time on the weaving projects after this weekend's Weaving Workshop over at the Yarnery. Two full days of weavey goodness.

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