Thursday, April 15, 2010

Midweek cleanout!

If you can't be at Yarnover this Saturday,  the next best place to be would
 be the


I did a mid-week Saturday Seven and cleaned out my yarn stash. That was a humbling experience - I have way too much yarn! I realized that I don't really need any more yarn but I do need some patterns for what I have. 
However, I managed to weed out this:

Seven bags of yarn - some are full skeins and some are collections - plus some needles and a bag or two. Hopefully, I'll be able to get over to the preview sale on Friday ($25 donation at the door) because I want to check out their deals in spinning and weaving equipment.

Maybe I'll see you at Yarnover!

1 comment:

Knittymama said...

I'll be at yarnover. What classes are you taking?

I"m SO bitter the garage sale is the same day. :-( I can't make it in Friday night, so I'll have to miss it again this year, sigh....