Saturday, September 30, 2006

Baa, baa black sheep - four bags full

Today's seven items were the simplest to assemble. My daughters went through their closets and I went through Youngest Child's closet to prune summer items - four bags full.

After I cleaned out the hall closet and removed two small three-legged tables with glass tops and my embarassing large stash of curtain rods (obviously, I was worried about production shutdowns), that took me up to six items. Number Seven was on my front porch. I love the colors of this ceramic planter but it doesn't fit any plants sold in the Twin Cities. It doesn't look nearly so good when the purchased Mum is sticking halfway out the top.

In the knitting world, I've been working late into the night on Puggy's Shruggy. I have had some row guage issues that she, Superior Knitter, did not have. That means I've been changing decreases and increases left and right. When you see this pattern, you'll get that joke! I've also decided to be part of Lolly's Soctoberfest; Luckily, I've been planning on a pair of socks since I cleaned out my stash boxes and found two skeins of sock yarn! Maybe for me, maybe for Dear Husband. Hmm. . .

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