There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.
-Francis Bacon
You know, if you are going to be standing on a bench somewhere, you might as well be standing with Stephanie Pearl McPhee.
The Yarn Harlot is coming to Saint Paul on Wednesday and we are going to be there come hell or high water. Or Snow. Yet again, the snow gods are coming to visit Saint Paul, or so the oracles say, but it won't matter. Stephanie is Canadian and, I am sure, will dress appropriately. I am preparing myself by setting aside extra yarn and needles to donate to the Yarnery's community knitting and crochet efforts.. Contemplating knitting a hat. Setting aside a dollar or two for Tricoteuses Sans Frontières or Knitters Without Borders. Charging the digital camera. Practicing deep breathing excercises . . .
Many thanks to Mary of Snit n' Knit for the use of her photo of SPM. She's one of the lucky NYC knitters who got to go to the "Sock In in the Park."
One last thought - have you been buying your Easter Peeps yet? You know, those gooey marshmallow bunnies and chicks that flock to stores this time of year? We are going to have our first contest here at Chez Daisy - and there will be yarn awarded to the winners.
Just picture this:
only with knitting needles. Stay tuned!
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