Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another Christmas present finished or "vor die Hunde gehen"

I must be on a roll as I've knocked out the second knitted Christmas present in a row. Dear Husband (or Mr. Daisy as he is sometimes known - not by his friends or anything but . . .) saw the pair of mittens I knitted for the MKG's charity, the Marvelous Mitten Makers, and requested a pair for Christmas. His hands are large but as freakishly large as they appear in the photo!

In order to give a little better perspective, we called Zelda the Wonder Hunde over for a photograph. She was a muggins and wouldn't cooperate so Mr. Daisy wrestled her into submission.

It sounds like we'll be needing mittens this weekend - snow, glorious snow is finally arriving this weekend! I've got some skis that need to see daylight!

Also, Good Friend Melissa and I have a date on Friday to beat the snow and go to the No Coast Craft-o-Rama at the Midtown Global Market. We had a great time last year and I've been saving my Christmas money for just such an occasion! I highly recommend you stop by this weekend!


Guinifer said...

I need someone to tell me where the Midtown Global Market IS! (I could probably click, though, huh?)

Lorraine said...

Wow, I wish I could have gotten over there. But I was sound asleep this afternoon - recuperating from my early morning costume sewing frenzy. The kids are stoked about the snow but I'm afraid it may mean no Craft-o-Rama for me. Hmmmph.