Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blue like - cheese

Having a small blue cheese obsession lately, I thought you might like to participate as well.

I found my latest taste treat over at The Saint Paul Cheese Shop - tiny mini-cheesecakes made with blue cheese. While their mini-cakes are great, I can't eat just one. So, I've been exploring for my own recipes.

That's when I found Eat to Blog's Savory Cheesecakes!

These funny foodie guys are my Cool Wednesday link. They are very witty and are both adventurous eaters. One is a vegetarian and one is more of an omnivore. Even though they are based in New York City, I love their restaurant reviews.

Now, back to stalking blue cheese. I may have to even take it a step further . . .

Oh, man, do I need to buy another set of pots for this?

1 comment:

Howard said...

wow, thanks for the kind words. i hope you make the cheesecakes, they really are wonderful. thanks for reading!