Friday, September 15, 2006

Seven simple things . . .

Some days you really have a lot to say but that's not today. I've spent the week learning how to use Freecycle and getting items posted on their "free" bulletin board and I've been amazed at what people are wanting and needing in my community. I posted our old rug and it was gone the next afternoon.

The sofa - it will be gone by Oct. 4.

I took the shoes (never worn but lovely), my husband's old laptop bag, and Middle Daughter's old lamp (replaced by a cooler sparkly lamp) over to St. John the Evangelist for their sale.

The duck towel rack came from my second house and we moved/installed it in every kitchen since then but it needs a new home. It flew the coop to St. John's as well. Oh, and the seventh thing? I gave my friend Melissa back her "Yard Sale on Saturday" sign. We've had it since last September.

As for knitting? The horrors! I had to rip, rip, rip out the Puggy Shruggy back to the beginning of the back. I've been using Combination knitting and I did one row distractedly in "Western Style." Boy did it ever pop out at you! Back to the needles. Luckily, I'm watching "Big Fish" with the girls to be followed by "Kyle XY" on Tivo. "Big Fish" is an excellent movie about fathers. Lots of imagination out there.

Speaking of imagination, knitters will enjoy this one . . .


Guinifer said...

How would you have liked to be the knitter of that dress! It made me hot just lookin' at it.

renee said...

What a cool video! and I'm watching it just before going to bed, so I'm probably going to have nightmares about being eaten by a gigantic sweater dress....