Friday, August 22, 2008

Remember winter?

near the top of Carnedd Daffyd
Originally uploaded by yawdogs

Not quite as hilly in Minnesota but the rest rings a bell. Remind me to get started on my mitten knitting . . .

In the meantime, I am still here and still frantically knitting away on my Rav Olympics baby sweater. Darn babies, always needing more clothes, and silly families, always wanting to take me away from my knitting with silly things like trips to the State Fair and taking children to college and making them dinner.

I found this on a flickr page linked from author Christopher Fowler's blog. If you really want to see what some people do to their families, read a little of his stuff.

1 comment:

Guinifer said...

I KNOW! And go shopping for school supplies, and clothes and shoes - it's all too much!