Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday again . . .

and I need more knitting time! I am finishing up the sleeve on my February Lady Sweater - in fact I've been fitting in some late night knitting time watching Clean Houseon the Style Network - but I just need more.

I had some pictures but Someone-Not-Me used my camera and now all I have are photos of dolls. Tomorrow, I promise.

So, soup and sandwiches for dinner tonight and an evening "watching" the kids play video games. As long as I "hmm" or "Great!" at the right time, I'm safe.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering how we are cutting corners around here,

I also use this cute towel rack for drying mittens and wool.

This week's Friday Film? Check out this demo from Garden Girl:

Middle Daughter's class wants to buy a rabbit - I said I would be the responsible party if it was an Angora.

1 comment:

Guinifer said...

Just keep it away from the other bunnies, right?