Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cleaning for Christmas

Thank goodness I am able to pass these on to good home, via a rummage sale. I was thinking I should keep them but I don't need the "early wedding" candlesticks and picture frames anymore, the vases are from florists and the wine glass stem rings and brass plate were both gifts that just weren't my style. I suppose I should start holding things on for my daughters' first apartments but I don't think these were their style either!

We had a lovely weekend - I would be happy to post some pictures but Blogger is having some problems right now - and I ended up buying the fleece I need for the annual mitten tree mitten dash. I know, I am only racing myself, but I am iching to be done with them! We also had a stop at the Yarnery for some bulky Big Wool to make a gift purse for one of my daughters.

I also finished Tudora Mark III - the blue one. I'll be putting that aside for a holiday gift for someone as well. Back to the February Lady Sweater!

1 comment:

Guinifer said...

I'm sure you'll find all new things to give the girls when they head out to their own places!