Thursday, November 20, 2008

Not kidding about the orange!

Silly Guinifer! I really meant it about the orange. Take your pick - I've got Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Carrot, Alchemy Yarns' Synchronicity in Persimmon and Twisted Sisters' Avarice in Brick.

Also, Lana Grossa Royal Tweed in color #25/orange.

All Things Heather in Pumpkin.

And Rowan Big Wool in Pumpkin.

And remember this day?

I could legitimately call this "Pumpkin" as well.

Not a chance my family will be blending into the snowbanks this winter!

1 comment:

Guinifer said...

Heavens, that's what I get for skimming.

Have to say, I do like the orange.