Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hey, is that . . . .

could it be?

Pudding? Home made chocolate pudding? Why, yes, yes, it is. Made from the recipe in Jane and Michael Stern's Square Meals : America's Favorite Comfort Cookbook. This is the world's best pudding recipe. Try it, you'll love it!

Everyone needs something to work towards and this was my reward for today's triathlon. Today's race was almost eight minutes faster than the last time I did this course. I'm thinking it was the pudding . . .


Guinifer said...

Oh, yay, you!

twinsetellen said...

I once watched a baby learn to crawl for chocolate creme pie. That's just cold pudding, really. I'm pretty sure the pudding is responsible for 4 of the 8 minute decrease in your time. You get the credit for the rest! Congratulations!

GoBigGreen said...

Oh yea, I raced my first HIM in june for the cupcakes at my brother's party that night. ( oh and the nice weather, solar power helped!!) Way to go Ellen!
PS I want banana cream pudding....that would get me going. I am not a ( sit down, dont faint) chocolate fan.

Knittymama said...

Congrats!! You can't beat chocolate pudding as a reward.

fillyjonk said...

It's really sad Square Meals is out-of-print. One of my favorite cookbooks-for-reading. (I also like their tomato juice bread recipe.)