Friday, September 19, 2008

One thing Diet Cola doesn't kill . . .

is Germs. Don't finish your soda after your daughter says you "owe" her a drink. She was just becoming sick and now, so am I. I am seeing myself turn into one of those old people who yell out their windows, "Hey, you kids, get off my grass!" Except, I'll be mumbling something about "Leave my soda alone!"

One lovely thing about today was that when I make the pizza dough, Mr. Daisy makes pizza. He is very creative and they are always good. Add a lovely green salad and dinner is served.

Since tonight is Pizza Night, there has to be a Friday Film to knit to. This one made my cold seem very minor . . .

1 comment:

Guinifer said...

My old 'puter couldn't handle the movie. Might be time to move on up.

The pizza looked yummy.